Dr. Naylor Teat Dilators
Helps maintain normal milk flow through the canal of injured teats
Dr. Naylor Teat Dilators
Helps maintain normal milk flow through the canal of injured teats
Product description
Dr. Naylor Teat Dilator is the perfect support for the treatment of wounded, cut, hard-to-milk, sore, or bruised teats. The dilator provides a soft, safe, and disposable remedy that keeps the teats open and milking and allows a natural recovery.
Active ingredients
Dr. Naylor Teat Dilator is packed in a special lubricant containing petrolatum, water, lanolin, beeswax, paraffin, isopropyl alcohol 1.2%, methylparaben, propylparaben, sodium borate, oil of clove, and color.
Indications for use
Dr. Naylor Teat Dilator is designed to help maintain normal milk flow through the canal of injured teats. Use immediately after injury is detected to promote healing and prevent scar tissue and obstructions from forming.
Administration and dosage
Clean the end of the teat with soap and water carefully and meticulously. Disinfect the teat with an antiseptic solution. Place Dr. Naylor Teat Dilator in the teat and leave it there until the next milking.
At each milking, take out the dilator and dump it. Thrown away the first streams of milk and then proceed with milking. Remember to clean and disinfect the end of the teat before introducing a new Dr. Naylor Teat Dilator.
Keep the dilator in the teat between milkings until it milks freely.